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January 21, 2005



Thank you for talking about this rationally. When people like Summers arrogantly dismiss evidence in favor of their own prejudices, it really pisses me off.

debra hughson

Ordinarily I don't get involved in online discussions about people's private parts, like brains and things, but this comment was solicited. I did catch a news clip of His Pompousness blustering down a Harvard Hall dogged by swirling controversy. Reminded me of some boys I knew in Fifth Grade, so sure of so many things and especially sure that boys are better than girls. It was how rather than what he said. Suppose he had ask the question then set off gathering data on neonatal brain structure and trying to find something meaningful to measure on a statistically valid sample. I suppose it might have provided an afternoon's worth of material for the daily talk shows but you'd still have the likes of Marie Curie winning two nobel prizes for work done in a shed out behind the boys only French Science Academy, setting the stage for her daughter to win another nobel prize. But swirling controversy? He pulled his dick in public then, when the spasm subsided, weasel-whined about how he was posing scientific hypotheses to provoke discussion. Um. So the network news, in their compulsion for every misguided viewpoint to air an opposing and equally misguided viiewpoint, interviewed a woman professor at Harvard who claimed Herr Doctor was stifling the free exchange of ideas with every apology. As if academics is a place where every idea has equal merit. We could get that done in a bar. Academia is about how some ideas are better than others and why that is so. Otherwise, schools would be teaching creation alongside evolution. Say what? In the bigger picture this is just another scene on the slow slide to the new dark age and El Presidente is the ideological heir of Cotton Mather.

bosco pilman

I thought it has been illegal for years to ask questions or make comments about ones marital status,children, babysitting, transportation in an interview or in the work place. this was prohibited when I worked in a gov't agency until recently. I was a supervisor. I would have been counseled, written up and severely reprimanded by management if I made any comments such as the statements made by the Harvard president.


Thanks for the comments, everyone. Debra, it's too bad you don't get involved in these discussions more often. Thanks for dropping by.

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