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February 17, 2005


Mike Thomas

I think I have a rather unique perspective on this issue as a journalist who is married to a Ph.D. biochemist. I've seen first hand some of the sexist attitudes she has run up against. I've watched as she chose to put her career on hold to raise our first child. As our son grows up there is no question that his mother will be the one teaching him math, while his dad will teach him English.
Larry Summers attitude toward women in science is unsurprising to me. It is all too common, unfortunately. Perhaps by allowing the light of day to shine on his comments he has inadvertently given us the opportunity to apply more scrutiny to these stagnant stereotypes.


Mike: Thanks for your comments. I completely agree that Summers' attitude from his January remarks is all too common: the notion amongst many men (and some women as well) that discrimination just isn't that important any more, even while these same people hold not-so-subconscious beliefs that women may not be as fit for the job as men.

Summers' comments were indeed useful in a certain sense as they have helped us to reignite awareness of these attitudes. Unfortunately, this whole episode has also reinforced just how mainstream and commonplace the above attitudes are, and how proudly and stubbornly these people hold them.

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