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Texas BlogWire

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March 22, 2006



There are several obvious reasons why we are short of cash in the first place, but one of them never ceases to rub me the wrong way. $800 million is a lot of money, but it's much less than the projected total for Bush's tax cut for the wealthy, isn't it? Everytime this Administration proposes to cut back on public services or to sell public property, I always see the image of middle-aged, white, male executives sitting at their beautiful hardwood desks signing over yet another startlingly large amount of money to their savings accounts - money from tax savings that they will never personally have a need to use in their own lifetimes. What image do you see when you think of "We the people" or "community spirit" in terms of the Bush Administration policies?


The proposed sale of Mark Twain Forest lands in Missouri is an ill-conceived idea. Missouri stands to gain very little from this proposal, but would lose an irreplaceable asset. Other funding sources need to be found - higher taxes, increased user fees, etc. NO portion of the Mark Twain Forest should be sold.

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