Will this be a good wildflower year in central Texas?
"It is definitely looking promising," said Damon Waitt, senior botanist at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin. "I'd say that based on the numbers I'm seeing and condition of the plants, it should be a really good year.
"The wet January was good for them, and the recent rains and warm weather has kept them moving along nicely," Waitt said. "We've already got a pretty good bluebonnet display here at the center."
Though the season is expected to peak in the first half of April, a scenic drive any day will turn up bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, mountain laurel, redbud trees and several other early bloomers.
Last year's show, coming almost a year into a drought that only ended in recent weeks, was virtually non-existent, and the previous couple were modest. But based on what I've seen so far, this indeed could shape up as an excellent year.
When will it be Triffid season? I read Day of the Triffids and I think plants have a just claim to rule our planet. Maybe they will do better than people.
Posted by: TexasLiberal | March 26, 2007 at 10:59 PM